vineri, 27 mai 2011

Word 2007 Registry Policy Settings

Having to open older versions of Microsoft Word files is prevented by default in Microsoft Windows 2007 by means of registry settings. There is a support article published by Microsoft that describes how to disable this limitation. ( ). The purpose is to add a new registry key with the name FileOpenBlock and then create a new entry under this key, named FilesBeforeVersion and assign it the value 0.

I wanted to fix the solution myself and tried to locate the registry key specified in the article, but was unable to locate it. Here is where they claim it would be:
and here is where I actually found it:
Other than the minor error in the article, I was able of fixing the issue and of opening older file versions.
I am using Windows 7 Professional 32 bit.

duminică, 8 mai 2011

Accept this license agreement

Upon installing Visual Studio 2005 I was politely presented a license agreement, partly English, partly something else !?